Bali : Ubud – Healing

On the following day, 28 September 2015, my guide, Nyoman, picked me up early from the Santi Mandala. We headed straight to the residence of the elderly Balinese healer, Cokorda Rai (aka Tjokorda Gede Rai). As I put on the sarong he handed to me, he explained we had...

Bali: Tulamben

On 29 September 2015, a car picked me up around 6am to take me to Discover Scuba Diving Centre by Amed beach. After an hour long training session in their pool with my instructor Max, we headed to the dive point in Tulamben. The beaches in Amed and Tulamben were a...

Bali: Mt. Batur

When I touched down in Bali in June 2019, my second time in four years, Mt. Agung was still off limits due to recent eruptions. I had passed by it during my previous trip but was oblivious to its sacredness. I didn’t know how to work with energies then, although that...

Aboriginal Energies

In 2017, right after my Easter trip to Israel, I started getting visions of Uluru, aka Ayers Rock, the large red rock in Central Australia. I had seen pictures of it before but I had never thought it would call out to me in the way it did. As I normally do before all...


We had another session a couple of weeks later. Alma picked up from where she had left off. “I am not sure whether this happens during your meditation there or whether it takes place in Dreamtime. I see you walking in that landscape amongst them. It feels like a...

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