Disappointment 失望

Disappointment comes from expectations. Expectations come from beliefs. Beliefs come from others. We are never born with certain beliefs, this way or that. Those are imposed on us directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, by our parents, teachers, and...

Goals 目標

Goals are like pins marking our progress through the maps of our lives. Sometimes they are big and complicated. In order to meet them, we must break them down into a list of manageable tasks. From this list, we must focus on completing the smaller items first. Doing...

Moments 時刻片段

As we struggle through the challenges life throws in our direction every day, we feel overwhelmed. We begin to doubt our abilities; we feel depleted. This is where it becomes important that we remember past moments of success, love, and happiness. These feelings last...

Anger 憤怒

Anger is both water and fire. It is not an easy thing to comprehend, but it is totally under our control. More often than not, anger is directed at the self than at others. It is one emotion which hurts us more than it hurts others. We are born in the purest form....

Compassion 惻隱之心

Every waking moment is an opportunity to change our lives for the better. When we are young, we are told we must grow up and be an important person—a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, a sportsman, an actor, a musician, etc. Maybe we are too young to form our own ideas...

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