Disappointment comes from expectations. Expectations come from beliefs. Beliefs come from others. We are never born with certain beliefs, this way or that. Those are imposed on us directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, by our parents, teachers, and guardians. Our beliefs are, in fact, not ours. They have been handed down to us. They have been developed under certain circumstances, some of which may no longer exist.
We take these beliefs and start applying them to situations and to people. When they match up, we feel a certain satisfaction that something has conformed to how it was supposed to be. We feel happy that it was normal, it was as expected, and it stayed within the boundaries of what we perceive as normal.
We have been brought up to play by the rules, to conform, to follow, to believe, and to expect. As they say, man is a social animal. We live in a society; we follow rules made by others and even base our beliefs on theirs. Is it not strange that our expectations are not ours? We have no individuality. When even our expectations are not ours, why should we be disappointed? Why should we measure, compare, and evaluate others?
Disappointment leads to misery. We don’t deserve that.



我們接納這些信念,並開始將其應用到的不同情景及人。 當它們互相符合,我們感到若干程度的滿足,因為一切似乎依循常理發展。我們為這事情屬正常,為這事情符合預期而高興。


The Prism of Life (by Ansh Das, Signal 8 Press 2014)

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