Introduction 緒言

What is the purpose of my life? If you have begun asking this question, no matter at what age, you are ready to embark on your spiritual journey; you are ready for your spiritual awakening. This doesn’t mean you need to leave your home and live in the mountains to be...

Legacy 傳統

A good life doesn’t end with old age or death. A good life is one that leaves the right legacy for others to enjoy. It also leaves behind guidelines based on experiences. These guidelines are what we pass down to younger generations. This has to be done in a...

Intimacy 親密

The real union is of the minds, of the hearts. The physical part of it is temporary. One needs companionship at a deeper level. Physical – body – looks Mental – mind – intellect Spiritual – heart – love Physical union is easy to...

Patience 耐心

As we rush through daily life, we often forget to stop and enjoy little things. We forget to live in the moment. We are always in a hurry to get somewhere or to get something. Delays irritate, frustrate, anger, and sadden us. We often forget that time is relative....

Lies 謊言

Lies stem from insecurity. The person lying to us is insecure. They are worried about losing face or getting punished for doing something wrong. They are lying to smooth things over, to avoid confrontation, and to cover their inadequacies. Of course, lies hurt. One...

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